
leela gurukulam members engage in various activities based on the age group of the child and membership type

Master the leela of divinity

For families with children between 2 years to 11 years

2 – 5 YEARS
5 – 10 YEARS
10 – 11 YEARS
2 – 5 YEARS
2 – 5 YEARS
5 – 10 YEARS
10 – 11 YEARS

Master the leela of Life

For families with children above the age of 11

*only available for gold members

Leela is a concept that has existed in Bharata for a very long time and has been used for education, mentoring and wisdom enhancement. Games in ancient India were used as learning potential enhancers and wisdom generators, and found in every temple, gurukulam and ashram. We at Leela Gurukulam aim to bring back our rich connection and practice of games (kreeda) and various other forms of Leela like art (kala) and stories (katha). 

Engaging in structured Leela activities eases the practice (Abhyaasa) of subtle knowledge based on Life Learning. Leela also enhances Intellect (Chitta) and learning potential (Prajna). These are essential components of Wisdom Generation and have been the core of temples of Bharata.

Each quarter at Leela Gurukulam, all families receive guidance on a common theme. These themes find their core in subtle concepts of Sanatana Dharma and Life Learning, and are explored through Leela activities conducted primarily between parent to child, and at the centre between facilitator and child.

Kala Sangamas are celebratory events at the Leela Gurukulam. These events are held by the entire Leela Family; Facilitators, Parents and Children. Preparations and hosting of these events builds and enhances planning and ideation, time management, teamwork and collaboration, communication skills and presentation skills in the early ages of a child.

Kala Sangamas are events where families receive a platform to perform and express their learning journey through the theme of the quarter.

one membership is for one child and parents

membership term will start at the first month of our quarters which are september, december, march or june

all parents will be required to go through parents of bharata course before completely engaging in all activities of leela gurukulam. however, activities for children will start at the centre from the quarter you register in.

Not in bangalore? you can still be a part of Leela gurukulam online!

contact us to know more

register now! click here to fill enquiry form

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