About Us

Our Spiritual Lineage

The Shivanetra lineage is a community of learners guided by the wisdom of Sri Skanda Guru Natha or Sri Kartikeya, who is both their presiding deity and the originator. Shivanetra Parampara is not confined to any stream of philosophy – be it Advaita, Dvaita, Vishishta Advaita or Tantra, but rather encompasses the essence of all philosophies based on Sanatana Dharma. All aspects of our life are structured around the Sri Vidya principles through the Kartikeya approach. We do not have a hierarchy in the lineage since the goal is to awaken the Guru in our hearts represented by the deity Lord Sri Skanda Gurunatha. We are led by those who walk the path along with us. The life and words of Skanda Purana and Rishi Agastya have a great significance in our learning journey. One cannot be born into, groomed into, converted or initated into the Shivanetra Lineage. If your heart has been touched by the love of Lord Kartikeya in any form or name, you will know it and will identify your spirit siblings. 

Our Inspiration

The team that is at the core of operations, content creation, curriculum development and mentorship at Leela Gurukulam, Leela Bhoomi, Parents of Bharata, Garbha Gurukulam, Sanatana Life Academy [previously known as Omnio Future Academy] and Valli Edu are personally trained and mentored by Babaji [Shivakumar Shivanetra] and Maa [Meera Shivanetra]. Babaji has created guidance for Shivanetras through his extensive work on Garbha Gita, the body of knowledge on human design, purpose and human development. Meera Maa’s lifetime work has been based on Vidya Gita, Human Learning Systems as expounded by the Rishis of Bharata.  She is also the Founder of Mindscape Education Methodology.

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