For Parents

Sanatana Family Membership

Sanskara Leela is the curriculum for culture and IKT [Indian Knowledge Traditions] learning followed at Leela Gurukulam SFC [Sanatana Family Centre]. Parents can take up Sanatana Family Membership of Leela Gurukulam to receive Sanskara Leela programmes. Memberships are available in 2 formats.

Gold Membership

For parents who are open schoolers and are in proximity to our campus at RR Nagar, Bangalore. Gold membership includes gameschool for children who are either enrolled or preparing to enroll with NIOS, or for parents who view education beyond only academics. Sanskara Leela activities are conducted at the centre with the support of trained mentors and through family activities at home. 

Complete Membership

For parents who have completed “Parents of Bharata” – a course on Sanatana Parenting, by Sanatana Life Academy. Parents could be open schoolers or mainstream academic schoolers.  Sanskara Leela activities are conducted by parents and children through family activities at home. Content and usage guidelines will be provided online through Sanatana Life Academy.

The Role of Parents in a Child’s Education

Parents form the source for holistic development of a child. Parenting itself is a dynamic and ever evolving process that needs transformation in approach and execution with the growing stages of a child. Therefore parenting goes beyond nurturing, disciplining and child rearing. An empowered parent provides the foundation for a child’s development and success beyond a school or an education system. Indeed, parents are the first teachers. Wisdom from scriptures of Bharata and sources of Sanatana Dharma have always sanctified the parent-child relationship. They offer a vision of divinity in parenting.

At Leela Gurukulam, we follow the Mindscape Education Methodology, which is based on the principles of human development and learning processes offered by the wisdom of Sanatana Dharma.

The Role of Parents in a Child’s Education

Identity Foundation

Foundations of Identity in a child are created by parents. Be it familial, cultural, ancestral, heritage, social or individual identity, parents are the source with which a child first begins to realize and form an image of “Who am I”.

Life Experiences

Till the stages of preadolescence/ adolescence a child experiences its life through the mind of the parents. This bonding makes it crucial for a child’s learning because any thought or belief that is not within the spirit of a parent will not descend as a learning within the child.

Power of Mind

The human mind holds unique patterns of thoughts, beliefs and inner narratives which translate as life experience for each individual. Every Cell of Human being, including Sperm and Egg, is connected to the mind. A child is conceived along with the elements of the minds of the parents, hence education begins even before birth. 

Early Years

Through the periods of pregnancy and infancy, a baby gathers from the parents templates for life which expresses in later years of childhood as learning potential.

Parent-Child Bonding

Parent – Child bonding is the anchor for expression of learning potential. Harmony in the home environment enhances emotional health which in turn has a progressive influence in a child’s learning journey.

Sense of Contributorship

A growing child constantly seeks to make sense of his/her parents’ expectations. A human child is contributive in design and will feel a sense of accomplishment only through acknowledgement of parents.

Life Learning

Life Learning begins at home. Parents are the first and primary sources for a child to make sense of the universal questions of life such as ” Who am I? Why am I here?What is my purpose?” etc. All other experiences of life are strung around this narrative received from parents. 

Belief Systems

Belief Systems of parents present the terrain upon which the inner narrative of a child is framed. Any subject matter that does not find priority or importance in the mind of a parent does not find its place in the inner being of their child. This changes when the child reaches teenage, when he/she starts having their own priorities and starts seeking peer and social influences. An empowered parent has the opportunity to evolve their own belief systems to provide a strong, flexible and dynamic framework to their child’s inner world. 

We help parents channelise their influence on the children to maximise life learning and to help them build a contributive future…

A Family that Learns together, Grows together!

Become a Member

Gold Membership

For parents who are open schoolers and are in proximity to our campus at RR Nagar, Bangalore.

Complete Membership

For parents who have completed “Parents of Bharata”. Parents could be open schoolers or mainstream academic schoolers

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